Most of it's boring

What's going down in the 'hood?

The latest entries into this pit of despair

Black country
12 September

Beyoncé had one of the biggest country hits of the year with Texas Hold 'Em, taken from her album Cowboy Carter. For that she was expected to score big time at the Country Music Awards as the first female black artist to be shortlisted for album of the year.

celeb; entertainment
Oh fudge
12 September

A British fudge maker who had her Instagram account mysteriously suspended, has had it just as mysteriously reinstated. Mysteriously as in after journalists started asking questions.

business; language; wit & wisdom of the comments section
DEI diehards
12 September

Softly, softly, catchee monkey.

entertainment; pandering
Childless cat lady meows
11 September

As if there could've been any doubt, the implication that Taylor Swift would've endorsed Trump/Vance if only the vice-presidential candidate hadn't made disparaging comments about childless cat ladies was indeed bullshit. Predictably, Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris.

celeb; politics
Breaking news
11 September

Despite being trounced at the Olympics, Rachael Gunn is still the bestest b-girl in the world. The World DanceSport Federation says so, and they should know.


The latest updates to past woes

Jerusalem (palestine)
3 September

As suspected, the Israeli presence in Palestine is a bloody cynical land grab. If any more proof were needed of Israel's motives, which amount to nothing other than state-sanctioned land theft.

politics; technology
The ol' one-two
30 August

It's not worth a post of its own, but in this instance the BBC home page shows the duality at a glance.

BBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?; I, pedant; language
Man at work
26 August

In stealthily updating her report, and someone at Beeb Towers curiously rejigging its title to Australian court rules in landmark case that asked 'what is a woman?', Bettiza includes a couple of photos of the complainant.

Liking lakes
18 August

Blink and you'll miss it. Fortunately, the Wayback Machine has its finger on the pulse of the BBC's stealthy shenanigans.

BBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?
Next project
12 August

And to the best of my knowledge it never did. Unless it forged an alliance with Ukraine. (ukraine)

lil' ol' propeller-head me; technology


3 postsanswers to stupid questions40 postsattention whore7 postsbanging my head on the desk247 postsBBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?59 postsbonkers13 postsboy, that escalated quickly!12 postsbrain8 postsbrowsers14 postsbusiness213 postsceleb78 postsChongvirus/WuFlu9 postscoding46 postscorporate cobblers236 postscrime & punishment177 postsculture vulture24 postsdesign1 postsdon't believe the hype24 postseconomics28 postsedumakayshun29 postselementary, my dear Watson!364 postsentertainment45 postsenvironment58 postsethics71 postsfood & diet44 postsgodstuff/religion50 postsgotta respect the grift70 postsgrumpy106 postshealth51 postshistory19 postshow not to win10 postsI h8 Margot Robbie114 postsI, pedant38 postsif schadenfreude didn't exist, it would have to be created42 postsin the news147 postslanguage8 postslil' ol' propeller-head me33 postslost for words79 postsobituaries56 postsoh, the fragility!110 postspandemic131 postspandering4 postsPassione Celeste13 postsphilosophy265 postspolitics252 postspredatory publishing & conferences22 postsquizzical154 postsquoted for WTF?340 postsrandom thoughts & brain farts41 postsreviews32 postsscience44 postssecurity3 postssicko20 postssnowflake70 postssport11 postsstandards26 postsstay in your lane90 poststechnology122 poststeh soshull notwerk47 poststhe cuntry club59 poststhe rumour mill26 poststravel78 postsunsolicited commercial email43 postswhat's in a name?65 postswit & wisdom of the comments section32 postsyou couldn't make this shit up!