The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

What's going down in the 'hood?

The latest entries into this pit of despair

Et tu, Bono?
3 February

A bald old man asks why people hate U2. He then proceeds to tell us. Or at least he offers his opinion as to why they do; the ones that do, that is.

celeb; wit & wisdom of the comments section
Country girl
3 February

Oh well, Beyoncé may have bombed at the CMA, but she was rewarded with two consolation prizes at the Grammys in the shape of album of the year and best cuntry album for Cowboy Carter. It may not be the level of endorsement that she'd hoped to have received from the CMA, what with them being the authoritative custodians of cuntry music, but it's something I guess. shrug

celeb; entertainment
Wave like a Nazi
21 January

One of the more batshit hot takes relating to Orange Don's POTUS inauguration comes from excitable loons claiming that the space cadet gave a nazi salute at a rally of supporters. Well, if that's his idea of a nazi salute, all I can say is he's not very good at it.

politics; quoted for WTF?
Little red book
15 January

Back when the space cadet bought Twitter, the more histrionic Twitterati flap‑flap‑flapped over to Mastadon; until they realised it was too difficult to create safe spaces. Now they're calling everyone poopyhead on Bluesky; until the (Blue)sky falls in that is.

politics; teh soshull notwerk
On the spectrum
15 January

Contrary to past scare stories, obesity rates are not being underestimated. The disorder can be simply reframed in terms of limiting fatties' access to Ozempic®, a drug that's in short supply and better used for the management of type 2 diabetes than as a get-slim-quick cop-out for exercise-disinclined blubberbutts simply wanting a carefree life scoffing pies and cakes.


The latest updates to past woes

Lotta Mess
8 January

Another day ending in y

attention whore; wit & wisdom of the comments section
In the pink
19 December

Mark Count Dankula Meechan was a little late to the party, but brought these thoughtful responses with him:

ethics; in the news; wit & wisdom of the comments section
17 December

As 2024 draws to a close, it's time for fluffy old auntie Beeb to dust off some of her highlights of the year and regurgitate them. And perhaps, even unwittingly, obfuscate some of those edumakayshunal titbits.

You can't dance
10 December

In her report for the BBC, Rossiter notes Stephanie Broadbridge as saying:

entertainment; world's most trusted BBC
Inline emojis
1 December

That method of image replacement causes the page to jump around, especially so for slower-loading ones, as text is removed and replaced. It's irritated me for a while, but I've only just got around to fixing it.

coding; design; lil' ol' propeller-head me


7 postsanswers to stupid questions46 postsattention whore7 postsbanging my head on the desk254 postsBBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?59 postsbonkers14 postsboy, that escalated quickly!13 postsbrain8 postsbrowsers20 postsbusiness237 postsceleb78 postsChongvirus/WuFlu9 postscoding46 postscorporate cobblers243 postscrime & punishment185 postsculture vulture26 postsdesign1 postsdon't believe the hype26 postseconomics29 postsedumakayshun29 postselementary, my dear Watson!379 postsentertainment45 postsenvironment63 postsethics73 postsfood & diet45 postsgodstuff/religion53 postsgotta respect the grift72 postsgrumpy43 postsHasmyback Machine109 postshealth55 postshistory20 postshow not to win10 postsI h8 Margot Robbie124 postsI, pedant39 postsif schadenfreude didn't exist, it would have to be created5 postsin defence of the Oxford comma49 postsin the news155 postslanguage8 postslil' ol' propeller-head me33 postslost for words80 postsobituaries63 postsoh, the fragility!110 postspandemic133 postspandering4 postsPassione Celeste13 postsphilosophy277 postspolitics261 postspredatory publishing & conferences22 postsquizzical164 postsquoted for WTF?342 postsrandom thoughts & brain farts41 postsreviews62 postsrumour mill34 postsscience44 postssecurity3 postssicko21 postssnowflake6 postsspitting image72 postssport11 postsstandards26 postsstay in your lane94 poststechnology126 poststeh soshull notwerk7 poststhe bleedin' obvious50 poststhe cuntry club29 poststravel79 postsunsolicited commercial email43 postswhat's in a name?81 postswit & wisdom of the comments section26 postsworld's most trusted BBC34 postsyou couldn't make this shit up!