Everyday thoughts, but not every day

What's going down in the 'hood?

The latest entries into this pit of despair

In the pink
10 December

The boys-who-kiss-boys couple who run LGBTQIABC+FLAPFLAPFLAP news website PinkNews stand, or kneel, accused of inappropriate behaviour towards their employees. In addition to molesting other boys-who-kiss-boys, their unwanted attentions turned towards female members of staff.

A small matter of genocide
10 December

I have learnt not to take BBC News' reporting at face value. Critical pieces of information are often missing, leaving a trusting interpretation open to criticism. With that acknowledged, I have to comment on a French-Cameroonian political scientist and his publisher being found guilty in a French court for downplaying the Rwandan genocide.

I, pedant; politics
Cecil al-Assad
9 December

Syria's fifty-year-old Assad dynasty collapsed in a brief two-week period, following a more than a decade of civil war. We thought Bashar al-Assad would never leave, so yay.

politics; spitting image
You can't dance
9 December

An Australian comedienne has created a parody musical of an iconic Australian story: Rachael Raygun Gunn's journey to epic humiliation at the Paris Olympics. Unfortunately, however, Gunn and her representatives threatened legal action to stop the production, to ensure that her brand remained strong and respected.

A Jag for the few
8 December

Jaguar has been losing sales over the last few years, competing with BMW and Audi for the executive market. The company's recent rebranding and EV design concept announcement apparently herald a push upmarket to the luxury sector where it can compete with the likes of Bentley.

business; design

The latest updates to past woes

You can't dance
10 December

In her report for the BBC, Rossiter notes Stephanie Broadbridge as saying:

Inline emojis
1 December

That method of image replacement causes the page to jump around, especially so for slower-loading ones, as text is removed and replaced. It's irritated me for a while, but I've only just got around to fixing it.

coding; design; lil' ol' propeller-head me
Workers' wrongs
28 November

Well, that's torn it. Or them…ho-ho-ho.

BBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?; business; celeb
Paying tributes paid
20 November

With news of Payne's funeral to be held today, I thought I'd check up on how this little stub had developed. And it appears to have been abandoned.

celeb; I, pedant
Avengers disassemble
8 November

While the election results are updated on BBC News in real time, thanks to whizzy set-it-and-forget-it plug-in technology, it seems the PRPP's communards themselves have thrown in the towel because, despite what the droid maintains, now that Maine and Nevada have called their results only one state is left to declare, not three. Yet the summary hasn't been updated. I guess they've moved on to lick their wounds and write analyses of why their favoured candidate lost.*

I, pedant; politics


7 postsanswers to stupid questions44 postsattention whore7 postsbanging my head on the desk252 postsBBC editorial standards: how many monkeys does it take…?59 postsbonkers14 postsboy, that escalated quickly!13 postsbrain8 postsbrowsers18 postsbusiness230 postsceleb78 postsChongvirus/WuFlu9 postscoding46 postscorporate cobblers243 postscrime & punishment182 postsculture vulture26 postsdesign1 postsdon't believe the hype26 postseconomics29 postsedumakayshun29 postselementary, my dear Watson!377 postsentertainment45 postsenvironment59 postsethics73 postsfood & diet44 postsgodstuff/religion53 postsgotta respect the grift72 postsgrumpy42 postsHasmyback Machine107 postshealth53 postshistory19 postshow not to win10 postsI h8 Margot Robbie122 postsI, pedant39 postsif schadenfreude didn't exist, it would have to be created45 postsin the news153 postslanguage8 postslil' ol' propeller-head me33 postslost for words80 postsobituaries62 postsoh, the fragility!110 postspandemic133 postspandering4 postsPassione Celeste13 postsphilosophy273 postspolitics261 postspredatory publishing & conferences22 postsquizzical158 postsquoted for WTF?341 postsrandom thoughts & brain farts41 postsreviews62 postsrumour mill33 postsscience44 postssecurity3 postssicko21 postssnowflake5 postsspitting image72 postssport11 postsstandards26 postsstay in your lane92 poststechnology123 poststeh soshull notwerk5 poststhe bleedin' obvious50 poststhe cuntry club28 poststravel78 postsunsolicited commercial email43 postswhat's in a name?76 postswit & wisdom of the comments section34 postsyou couldn't make this shit up!