The drains have backed up again

Runners 'n' riders

screenshot of headline on BBC article BBC
Article headline: China ultramarathon: Severe weather kills 21 runners.
screenshot of link on BBC home page BBC
Home page link: Severe weather kills China cross-country runners.

After twenty-one runners died as a result of extreme weather during an ultramarathon in north-west China, the BBC once again demonstrates its poor grasp of the English language.

The tragedy occurred in a tourist area in Gansu province. So, given that the nationality of the runners might include non-Chinese, Severe weather kills Chinese cross-country runners could be incorrect. But Severe weather kills cross-country runners in China; Severe weather kills runners in Chinese ultramarathon; and Chinese ultramarathon: Severe weather kills 21 runners are all both factually and linguistically correct.

Honestly, what do they teach in journalism school? Other than copy/pasting from social media, and fiddling expense claims, that is.