In the pink

The boys-who-kiss-boys couple who run LGBTQIABC+FLAP
Several people said that on occasions young, female members of staff had been asked to act as a surrogate for Mr Cohen and Dr James. They say that often the request was delivered as a joke, but that it had made people feel "awkward and uncomfortable". One anonymous staff member called it "creepy and sleazy", while another called it "part and parcel" of how "misogynistic" PinkNews was.
Josh Parry, LGBT & identity
It isn't clear whether the ladies in question were girls-who-kiss-girls or fag hags. It matters because, let's face it, todger dodgers are generally sworn off the whole baby thing, so that's a double yeuch!
The irony of a news
outlet that righteously accuses others of flap‑flap‑flap wrongdo and wrongthink itself being accused of flap‑flap‑flap is really quite delicious though!
Whatever, it's reassuring to know that our limp-wristed brothers are fighting the good fight on behalf of t3H PaTriArchY.
Mark Count Dankula
Meechan was a little late to the party, but brought these thoughtful responses with him:
It's always the one's you most suspect.
@Lowbrow_Mthakathi, commenting on PinkNews Bosses Accused Of Misconduct, Count Dankula 2 : Electric Boogaloo
If the founder of Pink News had accepted your offer of a charity boxing match, it would not have been the first time he got punched in the ring.
@robertsandvegine4469, commenting on PinkNews Bosses Accused Of Misconduct, Count Dankula 2 : Electric Boogaloo