Oh fudge
A British fudge maker who had her Instagram account mysteriously suspended, has had it just as mysteriously reinstated. Mysteriously
as in after journalists started asking questions, that is.
For its part, Meta blew smoke:
Meta, the parent company of Instagram, said it worked to apply policies as "accurately and consistently as possible" but "no system is perfect". "Sometimes we make mistakes," a spokesperson added.
Richard Madden, BBC News
Hmmm, I'm not suggesting that the account was automatically flagged as homophobic
, but somebody has to pack the fudge at a fudge factory. Or perhaps the company's name, the somewhat unfortunate Want That Fudge, was mistaken for a coprophilia network.
Or it could be that being based in Scunthorpe the firm has fallen victim to the Scunthorpe problem. It's unlikely though, given that the problem is old and well-understood. Then again, AI, so yeah. (shrug)
All of which led me to an innocent response to a question on the r/southpark subreddit related to a certain episode (s14e05) starring Tom Cruise, specifically what does fudge packer
I believe it is a slur for faggots.
NoLuckSherlock, commenting on What does fudge packer mean (13.01.2024)
Well, it made me laugh.
And there's more…
Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Elton John!
KirisBeuller, commenting on What does fudge packer mean (23.01.2023)
It's funny in context of the thread and my mental allusion to John's collaboration with George Michael, rather than the Southpark episode it's taken from.
It's making a joke about a guy fucking another guy in the ass.
LoLlMaOlOl21, commenting on What does fudge packer mean (23.01.2023)
I love the classic simplicity.