The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

On the spectrum

BBC home page: “Obesity label is medically flawed, says global report:
There is a risk too many people are being diagnosed as obese, with weight-loss drugs in high demand.” BBC

Contrary to past scare stories, obesity rates are not being underestimated. The disorder can be simply reframed in terms of limiting fatties' access to Ozempic®, a drug that's in short supply and better used for the management of type 2 diabetes than as a get-slim-quick cop-out for exercise-disinclined blubberbutts simply wanting a carefree life scoffing pies and cakes.

According to Prof. Francesco Rubino, who chaired the expert group upon whose report diabetics' hopes are pinned: Obesity is a spectrum. Because everything's a spectrum these days, and I'm somewhere on this one.

There has to be a cut-off though, and that's where the spectrum ends. pipe