Bitches bitch'n'

Pope goes the weasel

BBC headline: Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people BBC
BBC home page: Pope allegedly used derogatory term for gay people. The Pope was speaking at a meeting of bishops on whether gay men should be allowed to become priests BBC

Old men are wont to say what they really think when it's least appropriate, and Pope Francis is no exception. During a closed door meeting with bishops, the aged god-botherer rejected the proposal that homosexuals should be eligible for the priesthood, going so far as to say that there was already too much of an air of frociaggine in the Catholic Church.

According to the BBC's religion editor, Aleem Maqbool, frociaggine translates as a highly offensive slur, and a derogatory term for gay people.

But, donning my pedantry hat, and recognising that the BBC's account has passed through language barriers and flap‑flap‑flap filters, so the pontiff's actual words may have differed, I'd say that frociaggine—faggotry—as a noun isn't an allusion to homosexuals as individuals per se, so much as certain behaviours in a broader, perhaps historical, frame of reference. In this context, he may have been wearily reflecting on all the pervy paedo priests whose preying on altar boys he's had to deal with. Nevertheless, he may wish to familiarise himself with the good works of Saint Matthew D'Amon, who retired the f-slur all of three years ago. (holy)

Either that, or he may just be dwelling on the Vatican's commitments towards deforestation and forest degradation initiatives, and its transition to more sustainable fuel sources.

[insert throwing faggots onto the fire joke here]

BBC home page: Pope aapologies over reported homophobic slur BBC

But he really didn't mean it. For his words to be reported that is.