It's all gone to shit

Wave like a Nazi

BBC home page: “Elon Musk's gesture at Trump rally draws scrutiny. He made the gesture while thanking supporters for contributing to Trump's victory.” BBC
Adolf Hitler gaily saluting
Even this kindly old gentleman's having a problem getting it together.

One of the more batshit hot takes relating to Orange Don's POTUS inauguration comes from excitable loons claiming that the space cadet gave a nazi salute at a rally of supporters. Well, if that's his idea of a nazi salute, all I can say is he's not very good at it.

For a start, his thumb's bent and doesn't seem held close to his index finger, the fingers are slightly curled whereas the whole hand should be straight. It's almost as if he were offering the crowd a friendly, open-palmed gesture. Like a wave of thanks and acknowledgement.

4/10: Must try harder. hitler