What's that smell?

I never ratted on no one before!

There are 7 posts tagged: answers to stupid questions

Big numbers: all a matter of perspective
6 December 2024

The BBC asks Can you picture a decillion dollars in your head?

28 November 2024

A TLDR from BBC Future ponders the ne'er-asked question of why humans feel the need to feast together.

Who is he to judge?
28 May 2024

The BBC asks, on its home page:

11 April 2023

BBC Reel asks: What does pole dancing do to your body? Dunno, but it seems like a bloody stupid question to me.

The article that doesn't need to be read
4 March 2023

The answers to some questions are so obvious that asking them only makes the enquirer sound stupid. So, file this one for BBC Worklife under well, duh!

Pickled nothing
29 August 2021

I've harvested so many chillis this year that I'm going to have to pickle some of them. I've never pickled anything in my life before now. Except, possibly, my brain and liver. (SMH)

Dumb question
20 May 2015

BBC News rather pointedly asks: Why do US police keep killing unarmed black men?
