Everyday thoughts, but not every day

Stupid Cupid

According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center [sic], there's a huge disparity between the sexes when it comes to American adults aged 18–29 years who're in relationships. While 63% of men in this age group responded they're not in a relationship, only 34% of women responded likewise.

Some commentators have interpreted this as meaning women are more likely to be in relationships with older men. Indeed, 25% of men, but only 17% of women, aged 30–49 years state that they are in relationships.

But there are other possible explanations that shouldn't be overlooked:

  1. Although the proportion of respondents identifying as LGB is 62% men and 37% women, younger dykes may be under-reporting;
  2. The patriarchy has stolen the voices of 30% of women in the 18–29 group, by simply ignoring them; or
  3. Of the 18–29 group women who think they're in a relationship, 30% are in a relationship in their heads, with men who have other ideas about their relationship status.

The obvious conclusion isn't always the right one. My betting is on #3! (pipe)