Will this madness never end?

A Casual(ty) slip-up

The broadcast of a repeated episode of BBC TV hospital drama Casualty caused controversy when a naughty word was subtitled before the watershed. I hasten to add, this was not broadcast by the BBC, but by UKTV. I have no idea how, or even if, the two companies are related.

A word that viewers consider among the most offensive was shown twice at 10.30am on 12 June.

Emma Saunders, entertainment reporter, BBC News

But Emma gives us no clue as to what this considered among the most offensive of words might be. Fortunately, while obfuscating it, Sky News' droid is more forthcoming.

The programme included two instances of the word "f*****g" despite the show's audio not using any offensive language.

Sky News droid

And there we have it. You can't say failing before the watershed. (confused)