It's all gone to shit

A strap-on for girls

Or, rather, their ponies.

Yes, that's right! A US company, Wish Pony, now makes strap-on horns and wings so that you can turn your pony into your very own unicorn or Pegasus.

photograph of pony wearing unicorn horn attached to its bridle

I can't think why no one thought of it before. Really I can't. And, while Horse and Hound's news editor—must be a slow news week—is a little dismissive, at least one commenter puts things into their proper perspective:

its not that bad, its not as bad a some red and black boots that you see, which people would actually wear without thinking about it. look at showjumpers, they can be incredibly vulgar and no one says anything. a lot of the time they don't even have their hair up.

Hattie Batten, Sherborne

Hair down? For shame!