And it's come to this

Anon admin

Error notice: “User is locked. Please notify the person responsible”
Keyboard not detected, press F1 to continue: Another chocolate teapot of the error message world.

Anyone who's suffered corporate IT for any length of time will be familiar with its vagaries, bestowed upon it by individuals who're too good for HR, but little else. Alongside the standard cheap hardware and guess the password requirements bullshit, we have the unnamed and uncontactable admin accounts.

These are the accounts that bless us with access to network and other resources, but no one knows who they are. So, an error message instructing you to contact the resource admin is met with abject confusion. After asking around one's colleagues, the standard approach is to go around in circles shoot a request over to the IT help(less)desk, and wait.

In this particular instance, the IT help(less)desk is the correct point of contact, because the resource in question is a core corporate one. In the case of SharePoint or Teams shared folders, though, they're as unlikely to know who to contact as we are.

InstantlyForgettableNameCorp's IT ticketing system has a unique method of prioritising help requests. You select the urgency of your problem from a dropdown list, and the system then automagically assigns it a priority of 4; which, on a 1–4 scale, is not high. They obviously have as few shits to give as I do; the difference being if I let my internal clients know, it'd make for interesting discussions.

What started off as my priority 2, because it was affecting my work, was downgraded by the service desk team to their priority 3, because it wasn't affecting theirs, before…
…being assigned to whenever!

Oh, this is a good one. Seen elsewhere, and not just a corporate problem, although getting a resolution in a corporate environment adds a certain cat-and-mouse effect to the chase. Finding that my access to a network resource is no longer active, I can view details of the problem, simply by clicking:

No user exists…View Details This function is not possible
