The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Another missing picture?

Elle Metz explains, on behalf of BBC Capital, why some cafés are banning internet access to stimulate conversation. Apparently, this is to encourage face-to-face discourse, and to prevent social gathering places from becoming offices.

Very laudable.

In my view, though, the biggest problem with people using cafés as offices is not that they don't interact socially, but that you can often never get a place to sit because all the seats are taken by laptop users nursing a coffee over an hour or so.

Perhaps some café owners see themselves as providing a centre for social interaction, but at least some customers see them as a brief rest and refuelling station while on the go. This facet seems to be completely overlooked. But neither is well served by the café office.

Once again, BBC Capital only allows comment on its articles through third party social networks.