Bitches bitch'n'


publicity photo of Awkwafina Jeffrey Mayer/Getty Images
Ain't nobody here but us niggas! (def)

With the release of Disney's live-action reimagining of The Little Mermaid come some none-too flattering reviews, at least outside the shill media. One of the many could've-done-better aspects is Awkwafina's portrayal of Scuttle; and her truly excruciating rap number, The Scuttlebutt.

All of which put me in mind of the controversy that has beleaguered her in the past. Specifically, accusations of cultural appropriation and use of black mannerisms and voice, or blaccent. I can't comment, I've only ever seen one of her performances.

Ironically enough, it was 2019's Jumanji: The Next Level, in which rather than assuming the role of Danny Glover's avatar, a winged black stallion, she subjugated and rode it instead. (LOL)