Everyday thoughts, but not every day


Memes. You either understand them, or you don't. And, for a time, for those that didn't, there was Behind The Meme, a YouTube channel demystifying memes for the uninitiated. The channel's still there, it just hasn't been updated in a long while.

Apparently, those within the meme culture, or outsiders,* didn't take too kindly to Behind The Meme letting normies in on their little secrets. Oh, the poor lambs!

Anyhow, many memes suffer from being done to death or being appropriated by creators—whether outsiders or normies I know not—with limited innate aptitude or actual creativity. Or, even worse, meme generators. But perhaps that's the point of memes in the first place, to regurgitate someone else's original idea and apply it to suit one's own ends. Ne'ermind, a discourse on the cultural value of memes was not the intent of this post.

Hold my beer is a meme, of sorts. Like most, if not all, memes, some examples are pretty laboured or obscure. But here are a couple of gems.

In the wake of the assault on Jussie Smollett:

images of Kathy Griffin saying “No one can destroy their career faster than I can” and Jussie Smollett saying “Hold my bleach”
Jussie Smollett's been cleaning the toilet, all the better to see where his career went.

As the Duke and Duchess of Sussex retreat from royal duties, and a frosty relationship with the Cambridges:

images of Yoko Ono saying “I broke up the Beatles” and Meghan Sussex saying “Hold my Beer”
Meghan Sussex has bigger fish to fry than a mere boyband.

* Hmmm, describing those within the meme culture as outsiders may seem counterintuitive; but they're outsiders to the mainstream, normie culture. HTH.