Bitches bitch'n'

Captain Okay(ish)

I finally got around to watching Captain Marvel over the weekend. Even being aware of the online butt-hurt over its identity politicking and lack of a character arc, I didn't think that it was too bad. And who gives a shit about character arcs anyway, other than film school graduates? Maybe I'm shallow, or perhaps it had something to do with my being…umm…relaxed.

But when I rewatched it, sober this time, I still didn't get it, for reasons explained below. So, I must be shallow.

Overall, Captain Marvel is definitely okay. It certainly isn't the worst entry in the MCU. That dubious honour goes to Captain America: Handbags At Dawn Civil War, which was totally…fucking…gay; although Avengers: Age Of Ultron and Black Panther aren't taking the challenge lying down.

A few nonsensical parts made me think huh?, but that's pretty much par for the course for my relationship with the MCU anyway. And there was a definite lack of tension due, at least in part, to Brie Larson's unemotional one-dimensional performance. I didn't get the feeling of a character who's alcoholic; impulsive; and has a terrible, dad sense of humour—or any sense of humour for that matter—traits that made her sound interesting. But the film was entertaining enough, in that it passed the time in a way that I didn't regret its passing too much.

There was, however, one major plot point that still bugs me, and which let the film, as a whole, down. And I'm not talking about Cap's rubbish cockatoo hat, although it was funny. I cannot imagine that there's anyone in the world who hasn't watched Captain Marvel and yet still wants to watch it, but, just in case…spoiler alert!

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What on earth—since Planet C-53 is Earth ho ho ho—was the deal with the cat? It first turns up in a high security facility. How did it get there? Where did it come from? Why is it there? It has a tagged collar, so it's not a stray.

And, it's not just any cat either! Oh no, it's a magical bullshit cat that launches tentacles from its mouth; swallows a tesseract, at least I assume that's what the glowing blue cube was; and bitch-slaps a hoard of bad guys. And Fury barely reacts when all this happens. Twice.

Oh, and he didn't really react much when the damned thing scratched his eye out. I guess that Samuel L Jackson is just playing to the pay cheque.

The tentacles really threw me. Twice. I assumed that I'd missed something because…booze. So I watched the film again, sober this time…and I'm still none the wiser.

Okay, it's an alien posing as a cat, or possibly an alien cat, and the tagged collar is just part of its cunning disguise. But it's almost as if a plot contrivance was introduced by hack screenwriters who couldn't be arsed with anything requiring actual thought and work. On the other hand, it's a Marvel film, so there is that, I suppose. (rolleyes)

Then there was the scene in Rambaeu's house when the Skrull tells them that they're just refugees and come in peace, and everyone's just like oh, okay, you're good guys, and I'm sitting there, channelling Mandy Rice-Davies, and thinking WTF? He would say that, wouldn't he?

Overall, a damp but not soggy squib, 5/10