And it's come to this

Cunning Myra

If you were to receive the message based upon the template below, you might be foolish enough to think that you'd done something wrong. After all, Myra's been expecting a reply to her previous email. She's a good-natured soul, and doesn't want to pester you, but she's having to remind you anyway. You utter shit! How could you keep the poor bitch waiting, begging like this?

So, yes, you'd better reply speedily, you owe it to her. After all, she's successfully released issue 5 of volume 20, and needs your assistance to complete it…huh? If it's already been released, surely it was completed beforehand? (confused)

Anyhow, you might have those concerns, if you received the message based upon the template below. I don't, because I know this for what it is; and Myra for what she is.

Date: Fri, 08 Jul 2022 13:09:21 +0000
Subject: Convivial Paper Submission: International Journal of Clinical
 Studies and Medical Case Reports| ISSN: 2692-5877
From: "International Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case
 Reports| ISSN: 2692-5877" <>
Reply-To: "International Journal of Clinical Studies and Medical Case
 Reports| ISSN: 2692-5877" <>
Dear [FNAME], We hope that you and your family are staying healthy and safe!! We were expecting a reply from you for our email. We know you were busy, so we did not want to pester you, but we wanted you to send a polite reminder. As we are putting together a request in front of you. As we have successfully released Volume 20 Issue 5. Is it feasible for you to submit your valuable work for the completion of this issue? Please accept my warmest thanks in advance and I would be grateful for your speedy notice to this matter. Regards, Myra Watson
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