It's all gone to shit

'Eezer Goode

The Dave Award for funniest joke at the Edinburgh Fringe has been won by Nick Helm: I needed a password eight characters long so I picked Snow White and the Seven Dwarves. But password would also have fitted the bill. (nosmile)

Of greater note was Paul Daniels being recognised for the worst joke: I said to a fella Is there a B&Q in Henley? He said No, there's an H, an E, an N an L and a Y. Quite clearly, exception was taken to the fact that there are actually two Es in Henley. Probably by one or more of its residents; I've been led to believe they're quite above themselves.

A nod to The Shamen's 1992 paean to naughty naughty, Ebeneezer Goode.

'Eezer Goode 'Eezer Goode He's Ebeneezer Goode

Es are good. Geddit?