The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Fringe cut

It was only thanks to this week's BBC News quiz of the week that I learned of this year's Dave Award for funniest joke at the Edinburgh Fringe. And it's been awarded to a comedienne for the first time since 2008. I won't repeat Lorna Rose Treen's winning joke here, because it's about as funny as last year's winner, and pretty much anything from Tim Vine's entire repetoire. This is not meant as a ringing endorsement.

Besides, it's not particularly original, harking back to a school playground joke of my childhood.

In fact, as I read the top ten, not one of them struck me as particularly funny or clever, except Daniel Foxx's effort, which came in at number ten, and was funny peculiar rather than funny haha. Peculiar in as much as a grown man would consider the Twilight saga to be great films, even as a joke. (clown)

Admittedly, it's still not funny haha, but at least it's no longer funny peculiar. What a miserable bastard I am.

Daniel Foxx seems to have built his show around his sexuality, the orientation of which may explain his predilection for Twilight…as a camp icon. It's still no excuse though. (oldman)