What's that smell?

Hair razor

Boys attending school in the Magnolia Independent School District, Texas, are banned from having long hair. Now, seven students are suing the school district for gender discrimination. Okay, seems fair, gender discrimination is wrong, either way it's applied.

The suit has been filed on the students' behalf, by the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas. In it, they claim that the school district's policy imposed immense and irreparable harm.

Ummm, now they've lost me. The punishments that have been imposed include suspension, denial of extracurricular activities and separation from their peers. How does that represent immense and irreparable harm? Surely they're not claiming PTSD from the range of hardly-tortuous punishments? No one lost a leg, or even had their hair cut off, at least not as reported by BBC News. Hair grows back, although admittedly legs don't.

I just wish that empty claims like these were substantiated. Hyperbole seems to be the last resort of the intellectually bankrupt: lawyers; politicians; activists; and crusading celebrities.