The drains have backed up again

I'll make my own mind long as it's alright with you

As an advocate for freedom of speech, the cancel culture phenomenon repulses me. So I was heartened to read of a letter published in Harper's Magazine, signed by around 150 writers, academics, and activists, condemning cancel culture and the stifling of debate.

One signatory, however, US author and transgender activist Jennifer Finney Boylan, apologised within hours of the letter being published, tweeting I did not know who else had signed that letter. I don't know for sure, because I don't do Twitter, but her reaction may have been in part due to the fact that one of the other signatories, J.K. Rowling, has herself been rebuked for her comments on transgender people.

So Jennifer Finney Boylan is all for freedom of speech, as long as it's speech that she agrees with, or that her snowflake followers won't find unpalatable? If so, there's a four-syllable word for that, the first of which is the joint at the top of your leg.