The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

I'll see you in the next one

How many times have you been told, by a talking head at the close of a video, something along the lines of I'll see you next time? Do you ever sit there, thinking You didn't see me this time, fool? And it's not just amateurs on social media either, the mainstream media professionals have been doing it for years.

We bought the girls a PS4 for Christmas, along with Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled—which is supermegaawesome, by the way. My wife and I had great fun with the original CTR on the original PS, back in the days before numbers were added. Anyhow, although the whole family enjoys the game, my eldest daughter and I have become firm CTR buddies. And, while I work away from home during the week, I get some kind of CTR fix by living vicariously through YouTube videos. (SMH)

Which brings me on to gaming channel, Canadian Guy Eh. Not only does he end his videos with I'll see you guys in the next video, but he doubles-down by introducing them with Let's talk about it! And I sit there thinking Why don't just you talk about it? It's not as if you're listening to anything I have to say! (rolleyes)

And, with that petty bitching out of my system, I'll see you in the next post.

If you go to Canadian Guy Eh's channel and think WTF?, I've realised that his more recent videos don't include the intro. But they're more about gaming in general, rather than CTR specifically, so I haven't really paid much attention to them.