The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Josstice League

Joss Whedon: let me tell you about my feminist agenda

Oh dear, this is unfortunate!

After Zack Snyder had to abandon his work on Justice League, following a personal tragedy, Joss Whedon took the helm. The result was…not what everyone was expecting.

Whedon's star later crashed and burned amidst allegations of intimidation and impropriety on several productions, including Justice League itself. He has, effectively, become a nonperson, for the time being anyway.

Snyder returned to complete his vision of Justice League, the Snyder cut, which I haven't seen yet because it hasn't come to a screen in front of my eyes. I may get to watch it when it comes out on disc. Despite weighing in at a none-too-trim four hours or so—and me having the attention span of a goldfish—it's had positive reviews. Unlike the original.

So, it all looked to be going well for Warner Bros, at least until Anne Sarnoff confirmed that future DC releases will move away from the SnyderVerse. And then they double down with a tone deaf announcement, Whedon's version is to come to UHD 4K. This has not gone down too well, with the trailer garnering 94% dislikes from 22K votes on YouTube.

Personally, I don't have a problem with this announcement. No one's forced to buy the disc, but people should be given the opportunity to do so if they wish. As the Snyder cut is also being released in the same format, Warner will be able to gauge the comparative popularity of the two versions, side-by-side. Not that it's likely to have any impact.

Sarnoff has made clear her vision for DC's future; and, for those who appreciate Snyder's darker take on things—and can forgive him for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice—it doesn't look too bright. No pun intended.