Will this madness never end?

Playrz play'n, h8rz h8'n

Taylor Swift has won her judgement in a copyright case over the lyrics to Shake it Off. Sean Hall and Nathan Butler argued that players gonna play and haters gonna hate borrowed from their own Playas Gon' Play. But Judge Michael W. Fitzgerald deemed the phrases too banal to be copyrightable.

"The concept of actors acting in accordance with their essential nature is not at all creative; it is banal. "The allegedly infringed lyrics are short phrases that lack the modicum of originality and creativity required for copyright protection," Fitzgerald added.

Mark Savage, music reporter, BBC News


A win's a win. But, all the same, it's gotta come as some dent to her pride to having received a favourable ruling through being banal, unoriginal, and lacking creativity. (LOL)

The royalties probably help assuage the hurt, though. Especially since she won't have to share them with a couple of similar uncreatives.

A couple of years ago, my youngest daughter, Emily, commented on something that I've forgotten with haters gonna hate. Where'd you get that from, Emi?, asks I. Taylor Swift! So, yeah, thanks for that, Tay-Tay.