I think I've pissed myself

Rock of ages

BBC home page: Museum fixes The Rock waxwork clammed by star
BBC homepage (above) and linked article (right).

BBC headline: The Rock waxwork museum makes skin tone fix after criticismA French museum has corrected the skin tone of a wax statue of Wayne The Rock Johnson, after it was criticised for being too pale. This is in contrast to recent events when no correction was made to portrayals of Anne Boleyn and Cleopatra, which were criticised for being too dark.

Whether this is because lightening people of colour is unacceptable, whereas darkening people of white isn't; Johnson is still alive and can complain, while Anne and Cleo are long-dead and cannot; or simply because Johnson's much bigger and more intimidating than the sculptor, is a matter of conjecture. We shall probably never know.

But somebody's hyperbole module is on the blink at Beeb Towers. From the report itself, and previously on BBC News, it seems that Johnson's criticism of the model was well-measured, and even playful. It doesn't seem like he slammed it at all.

If he had, it'd be tea lights by now.