The drains have backed up again


YT thumbnail publicity montage for Shazam 2
A publicity montage for Shazam! Fury Of The Gods, before (above) and after (top) enragement editing for YouTube.

I tried to watch Shazam! some time ago. It was pretty gay: an origins story trying too hard to be too comedic for a B-list DC superhero whom I'd never heard of, and I gave up. Now, the sequel, Shazam! Fury Of The Gods is pending release. I am not pumped. And it appears that I may not be alone.

The purpose here, however, is not to discuss DC's latest kinematographic embarrassment. It's to laugh at the kind of clickbait that YouTube's algorithm throws up on its landing page, or whatever it's called.

YouTubers are a varied bunch. But there's a subset of culture-wars grifters, for want of a better term, who use characteristic traits in their video thumbnails: the googly eyes; tears; thinly-veiled profanity; and copy/paste images of cultural tropes, often associated with SJW or woke.

In this case, the latter are represented by the pink-haired loon and the screaming head. And, in this case, they appear to be irrelevant to the video's content anyway. So, yeah. (shrug)

Like any marketing, it catches the eye just long enough to pique your interest, but not so much as to engage your critical faculties. It's obviously clickbait, and I should know better than to engage. For it's just garbage, really.

But the we're f**ked made me laugh, so I clicked. Just like I occasionally reply to spam for my own amusement. Am I retarded?

Don't answer that! (hitman)

YT thumbnailNot worth its own post, but it amused me anyway.

In the wake of Rian Johnson's rumoured permanent departure from the Star Wars franchise, this thumbnail invokes the age-old dilemma of ousted office workers: the distressing reappropriation of resources, as everyone else moves on, leaving you behind.

Poor lamb.