Most of it's boring

Spaced out

Following William Shatner's journey into space aboard Jeff Bezos' giant rocket-powered dildo, George Takei spat a little venom in his direction. Shatner wasn't taking it lying down, though. Instead, he tweeted a mighty clap-back.

Don’t hate George. The only time he gets press is when he talks bad about me. He claims 50+ years ago I took away a camera angle that denied him 30 more seconds of prime time TV. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I’m giving it back to him now by letting him spew his hatred for the world to see!🤣 Bill the 🐷

William Shatner, Twitter

Takei has such a massive hate boner for Shatner. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so pathetic, coming from a 84-year-old who's carried resentment for perceived slights with him for over half a century. That takes dedication.

Whenever Shatner does something that earns him public recognition, Takei cannot resist taking a shot at him. In fact, when news of Shatner's flight broke, I was just waiting for the vitriol. And, needless to say, Takei didn't disappoint.

He's a bitter, whiney little bitch, who's simply jealous that Shatner's still relevant and noticed. People only talk about Takei when he's dissing Shatner. Afterwards, he's forgotten again.

Shatner owns Takei's every waking moment, living inside his mind, rent-free. And it's glorious to behold. GO BILL! (fist)