This is my truth

The end of a microera

Organisational changes are afoot in InstantlyForgettableNameCorp, and my line micromanager is one of the casualties. With immediate effect…talk about brutal.

It's bittersweet news; a shock, to be completely honest. On the one hand, he's an irritating cock; on the other, not such a cock that I wanted to see him made to jump ship. Moved to other duties, or given more meaningful responsibilities to keep him occupied and off of my case, perhaps; but not employment terminated.

Ahh well, I'm relieved to be under new management. His replacement—whom I've met only once—can only be an improvement. I hope. (crossedfingers)

Unfortunately, the phrase that comes to mind is the only way is up. And that reminds me of Yazz's 1988 UK #1 hit, which I absolutely hated. Still do, as a matter of fact. Time heals many wounds—even job loss—but not that one.