Will this madness never end?

The man from Amazon

Crikey, what are the chances that one of the world's richest men would have tracked me down? Even if I'm only included among an anonymous group of undisclosed recipients, it's the thought and recognition that counts. And I know I can trust him, because he uses his full name: Jeffrey Preston Bezos.

He's a bloody tightwad compared to his disproportionately wealthy ex-wife, though. Only $2.5M? Pah!

Reply-To: mrjeffreyprest@gmail.com
From: Mr Jeffrey Preston Bezos <katambaahmad@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2022 23:24:50 -0700
Subject: Account Owner,
To: undisclosed-recipients:;
Dear E-mail Owner My name is Jeff Bezos,an American,investor, and charity donor,I'm the founder, CEO and president of Amazon.com,And Your email address has won you ($2.500,000.00)Kindly get back to me,so I know your email address is valid. mrjeffreyprest@gmail.com) Best Regards Mr Jeffrey Preston Bezos