It's all gone to shit

The other F-bomb

Matt Damon will no longer refer to homosexuals as faggots,* so as not to upset his daughter. He'll still gaily gather sticks into faggots of firewood though…until she finds something wrong with that too.

[insert throwing faggots onto the fire joke here]

Actor Matt Damon says he only recently stopped using the homophobic "f-slur for a homosexual" after his daughter explained it was unacceptable. [snip] "She went to her room and wrote a very long, beautiful treatise on how that word is dangerous. I said, 'I retire the f-slur!' I understood."

BBC News droid

Awwww, he understood and retired the f-slur. That is just too precious, what a guy! And, as a special Christmas gift this year, she'll present him with his testicles made up as a pair of earrings.

He said the derogatory term for gay men "was commonly used when I was a kid, with a different application".

BBC News droid

I'm really not sure what he means by a different application though. It meant the same then as it does now, and was applied in the same way. Just without the current day mithering over offending anyone other than heterosexual white men. (pipe)

A faggot—a bundle of sticks—is another name for the bassoon. Playing one gives a whole new meaning to the phrase blowing a faggot! (LMAO)

* Although the droid doesn't express the f-slur in any more specific terms, I deduced that Damon used faggot and not fairy, thanks to the flapperati:

I want to know what word Matt Damon has replaced f****t with.

Billy Eichner, Twitter