The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

When correct is incorrect

BBC Bitesize is a series of purportedly educational learning materials and quizzes for children. Or is it? Educational, that is.

This question arose in The most educational Abba quiz in the world - ever. Read it carefully.

Abba quiz with incorrect question for the correct answer

Specifically, What was Sweden's winning margin over Italy as a percentage? Since the winning margin is that of Sweden over Italy, the actual calculation is the six point difference in terms of Italy's score, not Sweden's:

(24 - 18) ÷ 18 × 100 = 33.3%

Therefore, Abba's six-point margin meant they had a 33.3% lead over Cinquetti, not 25%. Note that this answer, which is correct in terms of how the question is worded, is not even one of the options. (rolleyes)

Cinquetti's score was 25% behind Abba's.