What's that smell?

5G or 0G(enes)

Necklaces and accessories that are claimed to protect against 5G, which isn't harmful to health, have been found to be radioactive, which is. Hmmm. (thinking)

The warning comes from the Dutch Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority, which notes that the level of emitted radiation, and the subsequent risk to health, is low.

De hoeveelheid gemeten straling hiervan is laag. Dit betekent dat de kans op schade aan de gezondheid klein is. Maar bij continu en langdurig dragen van deze producten is op lange termijn gezondheidsschade niet volledig uit te sluiten.

Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming (ANVS)

The amount of radiation measured is low. This means that the chance of damage to health is small. However, if these products are worn continuously for a long time, long-term damage to health cannot be completely ruled out.

Translation via Deepl

But how low is low? A certain degree of ionising radiation exists all around us, and in some objects more than others. Furthermore, when authorities make statements like cannot be completely ruled out, they set the bar pretty damned high. I'm beginning to suspect an abundance of caution here. (pipe)