Will this madness never end?

A foregone conclusion

Twitter's shareholders have voted to approve the purchase of the company by Elon Musk for $44bn. Musk is trying to extricate himself from the deal, claiming that he was misled over the number of fake accounts on the platform. The shareholders' vote will allow the company to take legal action to force him to buy it. Talk about a shotgun marriage.

Given the exaggerated increase in the company's value when he announced his takeover bid, with many investors buying stock in anticipation of an easy payday, it's hardly surprising that the greedy bastards voted the way they did. Who could possibly have foreseen this turn of events? Was a vote even needed, FFS? (rolleyes)

Anyhow, despite my lack of love for the space cadet, I'm in his corner on this one. I just hate Twitter and speculators more, really.