The drains have backed up again

A pox on your bottom no more

BBC headline: “Monkeypox: WHO declares global emergency over”The WHO has declared the bottompox brouhaha to be over, just in time for Pride Month. That'll gladden the hearts of the LGBTQIABC+FLAPFLAPFLAP brigade no end. And it'll give them all something else to celebrate, in addition to their specialness, during their superspecial thirty days.

What'll not please them, though, is someone at Beeb Towers not pandering to their fee-fees with the WHO's no-shame-no-blame flap‑flap‑flap nomenclature. In fact, Michelle Roberts' no-shits-given article only mentions mpox once, in a subfeature entitled: What is monkeypox? Ooops!

Heads may, or may not, roll. Stealth edits may, or may not, be applied.