I think I've soiled myself

A warm, Ufizzi feeling(exclamation)

The director of the Uffizi Galleries, Eike Schmidt, has laid down rules to his staff for email etiquette. These include no shouty writing; care with underlining; and a prohibition on excessive punctuation, particularly exclamation marks!!!!!

Mr Schmidt's main bugbear is excessive punctuation, not unlike UK politician Thérèse Coffey who objected to the so-called "Oxford comma". "Where punctuation is concerned it is necessary to avoid altogether, as ever only where possible, exclamation marks, while with both question marks and exclamation marks only one is necessary at the end of a sentence with no repetition."

Paul Kirby, BBC News

I don't know whether that particular directive is a victim of translation or a tortuous communications style. I'm only a beat patrolman in the Grammar Police, and a senior officer may disagree with my suggestion, but this works for me:

Where punctuation is concerned, it is necessary to avoid altogether—as ever only where possible—exclamation marks; while, with both question marks and exclamation marks, only one is necessary at the end of a sentence, with no repetition.

Eike Schmidt, now with added punctuation!

Nevertheless, I think he might be being a tad overzealous. Would Elmore Leonard have approved though? (question) (thinking)

Thérèse Coffey, on the other hand, is clearly an out-and-out imbecile.