The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Alpha meatheads assemble!

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Alpha Men Assemble prepare for non-combative engagement. They all look beta, at best, to me though.

It's generally the case that major cultural changes in the US eventually make it to the UK within five years: rock 'n' roll; fast food; frivolous and vexatious litigation; and, most recently, brain death. Yes, the UK now has its very own anti-vax sovereign citizens. (SMH)

The group [Alpha Men Assemble] has described itself as "free thinking men and women living as sovereign beings under common law". They say that they reject violence and are in favour of "body autonomy". Its training events, it says, are "non-combative and are in no way to be linked to any militia or extremism".

Alistair Coleman and Shayan Sardarizadeh, BBC Monitoring

Yet, the group's members prepare for direct action, such as breaking through police lines, marching formations and sparring.

According to the Daily Mail, at a recent training session in Staffordshire activists were urged to "hit vaccine centres, schools, head teachers, colleges, councillors and directors of public health in every area".

Alistair Coleman and Shayan Sardarizadeh, BBC Monitoring

Clearly, they haven't spotted the contradiction in their message. Furthermore, their claims of sovereign citizenry are completely invalid; they're made through the bogus authority of legal instruments that were repealed years, if not centuries, ago. Do they even know what alpha means? (rolleyes)

I don't think that these are the sharpest knives in the drawer. Unfortunately, they breed. Where's natural selection when you really need it?