And it's come to this

Better call G'iah

words cannot describe it Marvel Studios/Disney+
Butch bitch: Emilia Clarke shows off the benefits of her work-out regimen…or CGI; one or the other. Naturally, she's the most powerful being in the known universe EVAHSIES!

Secret Invasion, Disney Marvel Studios' straight-to-streaming D+ alien invasion-cum-espionage thriller, has come and gone. It debuted to the second lowest opening audience for an MCU miniseries, and ended as the least appreciated. That's some feat. There are winners and losers in all walks of life, the entertainment industry being no exception; but even losers can come a close last. This one wasn't even trying.

It's not much of a surprise when the director, if that's not too grandiose a term, admitted that he had no idea how he was going to end the sixth and final episode, even as the first aired. A competent creative team would have the major aspects of the story mapped out, beginning to end, before shooting even started, rather than making it up as they went along.

And I think as we are editing, we're still finding the story. We were finding the story on episode six up until episode one had already aired. That's part of the beauty of it, is that Marvel just keeps hunting it down and using the resources they have to come up with the best story possible, and that quest never ends.

Ali Selim, via Olivia Singh, Marvel's 'Secret Invasion' director Ali Selim breaks down the season finale, from how long Rhodey has been a Skrull to Emilia Clarke's powerful fight scene, Insider

That could explain why the lower-tier MCU offerings seem to be thrown together, rather than planned; the creators simply haven't found the story. (SMH) Perhaps it slipped down the back of the sofa. Has it never occurred to them to look there?

It would be more understandable if they were working on a shoestring budget, but Secret Invasion had a production budget of $212M. Yet the director was dicking about on a story quest, even during broadcast. That said, though, from the clips I've seen the ultimate fight between G'iah and Gravik is good for a laugh, for its sheer lame predictability if nothing else.

It's hardly any wonder that Disney's haemorrhaging money. Hey ho. (shrug)

I may sound like a broken record, but even broken records can at least be danceable…

[ dances the DIE DISMAL DISNEY dance ]