All's not what it seems

Careful what you wish for

New Hampshire Democrats thought they'd be clever. By running a campaign attacking a moderate Republican candidate, they planned for a bonkers rival, Gen. Don Bolduc (retd), to win his party's nomination for the Senate. Their incumbent senator would easily trounce him, thus retaining her seat in the upper house.

Except Bolduc has closed the gap, and is now threatening Senator Maggie Hassan's re-election. Oh well; play stupid games, win stupid prizes, I guess. (shrug)

Among his more batshit opinions, Gen. Bonkers (retd) is a 2020 presidential election denier. In his case, retd could just as well be an abbreviation for retarded.

They may have given the world Orange Don, followed by an embarrassingly senile old cunt, but it appears that even merkan voters—or at least those in NH—draw the line at election deniers. So that's something, I guess…even if the margin's less than 10%. (SMH)