The drains have backed up again

Chicken, egg; egg, chicken

Dennis Butler was warned to slow down while passing a celebratory event in Charleston, WV, because children were playing there. When the convicted felon returned to fire on the crowd with a semi-automatic rifle, a bystander drew her own gun and popped a cap in his ass, killing him and saving innocent lives. Bloody good show, lady!

Mr Hazelett told a news conference that the woman who fired back did not have any law enforcement background. She has not been identified. "She's just a member of the community who was carrying her weapon lawfully," he said. "And instead of running from the threat she engaged with the threat and saved several lives."

BBC News droid

The gun lobby will undoubtedly point out that she couldn't have done this, without access to her weapon. The gun control advocates will counterpoint that she wouldn't have needed to, without Butler's access to his. Both would be correct, but one would be more correct than the other.

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? (thinking)