Most of it's boring

Don't shoot the messenger

Forty-eight hours have passed, and 2021 Free Expression Awards Highlight: Susan Wojcicki has been up for about a week. In that time, it's received 76,179 views; five times the number of subscribers to the Freedom Forum's channel. And far, far more than any of the other 2021 Free Expression Awards' videos.

The video has also received a high level of engagement, with 7,354 comments and 23,982 votes. That's a little more than 30% engagement, in terms of views-to-votes.

Normally, this would be admirable; a marketing manager's wet dream, even. Most videos that I see don't receive nearly as much traction. Except that, in this case, 99.6% of those votes are dislikes.

There's a message here.

Many commentators have asked how long it will be before this video meets the same fate as Kathleen Kennedy | 2021 Scientific and Technical Awards, having the comments and dislike count disabled. I'm not sure that could happen in this case. After all, this is the Freedom Forum's channel. If they were to disable comments and views, it would be a truly bad look.

So, this one could yet run and run. But, for me, the final word goes to Grunkle Dan, because this made me laugh:

Giving this video an upvote just for the sheer audacity.

Grunkle Dan, commenting on 2021 Free Expression Awards Highlight: Susan Wojcicki