And it's come to this

Girls just wanna have fun

The prime ministers of New Zealand and Finland—Jacinda Ardern, 42, and Sanna Marin, 37—have dismissed a journalist's suggestion that they met in Aukland because they're women of similar age.

Ms Ardern interrupted the question to say that she wondered "whether or not anyone ever asked Barack Obama and John Key if they met because they were of similar age." Former US President Barack Obama and former New Zealand Prime Minister John Key were born within days of each other in 1961.

Elsa Maishman, BBC News

That seems like a curious factette to be carrying around with you, on the off chance it could one day come in useful; but ne'vermind. To put it into perspective though, when they met in 2014, Obama was the president of the United States of America—and the then leader of the free world—while Key was the leader of a strategic Pacific ally. Of course they would want to meet each other.

What neither Ardern nor Marin really appear to have addressed, in their response to what the Twitterati have called a sexist question, is why the premier of one pissy inconsequential country would need to meet the premier of another pissy inconsequential country from the opposite side of the globe. The closest they came, according to our fearless correspondent, was this comment from Ardern:

She then listed the trade relations between the countries, adding "our meeting today is a chance... [to] really leverage the economic opportunities between our two countries.

Elsa Maishman, BBC News

Ahhh, girls talking shopping. Now it makes sense. (LOL)

Sanna Marin and Jacinda Ardern shake hands Getty Images
They shopped 'til they dropped.