It's all gone to shit

I (heart) Eyjafjallajökull

I was supposed to go to Madrid today for meetings tomorrow. I was dreading it, because not only do I not enjoy business travel particularly, but the last couple of days have been pretty emotionally charged for the girls. Yesterday was my eldest daughter's 5th birthday—how can my baby be 5?—and today is my, significantly more than fifth, birthday. The girls were quite upset about me having to leave today, and I wasn't exactly brimming with enthusiasm either.

Volcano ash to my rescue!

My flight was cancelled, and since I didn't want to get stuck in poxy Madrid—not least because Thursday is a public holiday and we have plans, which do not include me hanging around Barajas Airport—I decided to call the trip off. As it turned out, so did my commercial colleague, so I don't even have to feel pressure for having bottled it.

I love you Eyjafjallajökull, even if I can't pronounce your name! Why couldn't you be called Bob?