Everyday thoughts, but not every day


Since backing Trent Kaniuga's CreeD RE:Imaginary, I found Billy Tucci and Maria Sanopo's Miss Fury: Joy Division. What are the odds? It's only $30. So, I thought, why not?

Well, I'll tell you why not, gentle reader. Shipping to Switzerland is $22, compared to $7 in the US…for a $30 book. I realise that people often complain about shipping costs, but almost 75% of the item price seems a bit steep.

Somewhere, someone is having a laugh. But it's not here, and it's not me.

Yes, the cost of shipping for CreeD was about the same, but that was three books at $55. Shipping costs of ±75% gets to make a pretty expensive way to buy a pig in a poke. It's almost as if someone at Indiegogo simply cannot be arsed with international orders. Those who stand to lose the most are the independent creators, who might otherwise garner higher sales than they are at the moment.