It's all gone to shit

Is there a doctor in the house?

Ooooh, I've found another crackpot on YouTube. Aren't I lucky?

Admittedly, a lot of what Dr Sten Ekberg says makes some degree of sense, but not all of it. And when I come across something that doesn't make sense in places where I have a clue, it makes me suspicious of everything else, even that which otherwise sounds plausible. Unfortunately, however, from reading viewers' comments it appears that some people will take his every word as w3rd!

I'm not going to pull apart everything that he says in Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again!, but a couple of points raised my hackles. Otherwise, I'll give him kudos for not labelling saccharine as a carcinogen. And I couldn't agree with him more on MSG; I hate that stuff.

Non-/low-fat products

screenshot showing Ekberg's whiteboard

He includes milk on the list of non-/low-fat foods to avoid. He substantiates his argument that non-/low-fat products are unhealthy as follows:

If they're labeled as low-fat, or non-fat, or reduced fat that means they've taken something out. They'd taken, the food was complete, the food was whole, but they took stuff out because they're afraid of fat, and the fat provided flavor and texture.

Dr Sten Ekberg, Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again!

And calories.

When they take those out, then we lose that satiating property of the food and they typically have to put in sugar and artificial flavors and artificial stabilizers, and all these different chemicals, to try to give it the same texture and flavor and feel that the product originally had. So it's usually a destroyed food and the fat was there for a reason in the beginning. If nature put the fat there then it was a good fat. So unprocessed foods have good quality fats, and when we take those out, like healthy oils in the salad dressings or in mayonnaise, those fats are good, but when we remove them and put something else in it becomes just a chemical concoction.

Dr Sten Ekberg, Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again!

None of this applies to milk, Dr Ekberg! It's easy enough to remove fat from milk, you let it stand, or centrifuge it, and then scrape the fat off the top. It's called the cream, and that's where cream comes from. Here's another clue, the remaining milk is referred to as skimmed, because the cream's been skimmed off from the top. Clever, huh? Furthermore, nothing is added. Skimmed milk is still nutritious, because it includes protein, minerals, vitamins, etc.

As to nature putting the fat in the milk implying that it's a good fat, and that its removal is bad, you really have to consider why nature put it there in the first place. Milk, including the fat, is a complete food that's produced to nourish the growing calf. The fat content is a readily-available energy source. I am not a calf, I do not have a calf's nutrient requirements, and I get fats from elsewhere in my diet. But I can still benefit from those other nutrients.

GMO products

I'm not sure that Dr Ekberg really understands what genetically modified means, beyond spooky DNA manipulation.

These things can combine with other DNA that can combine with bacterial strains in your gut flora, and create whole new species. They can produce things, they can produce pesticides, and alcohol, and different things that you really don't want in your body. These are organisms, these are species that we never had on the planet.

Dr Sten Ekberg, Top 10 Foods You Should NEVER Eat Again!

I'd like to see Dr Ekberg's evidence showing the new species that GMO corn, for example, can create with gut flora that non-GMO corn cannot. It's possible that he has a valid concern, and it's just lost in communication. But I suspect that the real answer is that he's blowing more than methane out of his arse.

Incidentally, while I knew GMO crops may be more resistant to pesticides, I was unaware that they can actually produce them. But, yes indeed, there are GMO crops that have been engineered to produce biopesticides, which are targeted against specific insects. Beyond that, they have no effect and are safe. I guess that some people, including doctors, simply equate pesticide=bad. (SMH)

Trust me, I'm a doctor

But Dr Sten Ekberg is a doctor, and so his pronouncements are beyond reproach, just like Dr Naomi Wolf. Right?

Ummm, not so fast, soldier. Ekberg holds a Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life University. I always thought that the University of Life was where students from the School of Hard Knocks completed their education. But it now appears to be a real thing. Kinda.

He obviously knows his stuff, but I have no idea as to where his stuff ends and other stuff begins. Once I realise that part of something's wrong, I lose trust in the whole. But I don't doubt, for a single minute, that Dr Ekberg is a bloody marvellous chiropractor. Among his many awards, he was voted Best Atlanta Chiropractor 2012–2020. So there's that.