Will this madness never end?

It's Istanbul, not Constantinople now

Turkey—the country, not the bird or colossal failure—is rebranding itself to Türkiye. The purpose of this change is not to distract from President Erdogan's economic failings in the run-up to next year's elections. Oh no.

No, the reason is because the anglicised version of the country's name has other meanings, including the centrepiece of Americans' thanksgiving celebrations. Although you don't see Peru changing its name, do you?*

The Ü may be tricky for most of the international audience who don't have that letter in their alphabet but it's the same as the German Ü, like the U in pure or cue. So for an English-speaker, changing the first vowel of Turkey to a Ü and adding an E to the end (as in pet) is enough to pronounce the new name perfectly.

Onur Erem, BBC Turkish service

So, yeah, thanks for that, Onur. Clear as mud. (confused)

* Peru is Portuguese for turkey—the bird, not the country or colossal failure. Portugal doesn't celebrate thanksgiving though.