This is my truth


photo of Tegan Lecheler Tegan Lecheler
Punching above her weight: Tegan Lecheler is the advocacy director for the National Association for the Advancement of Fat Acceptance. Lecheler is introduced as one of NAAFA's new board members (19.01.2022). The bios generally describe the fat members as such, and seem pretty right-on. She's not described as fat.

NYC's lardarses have cause to shake their booties. Yes, indeed, the city has passed a bill abrogating them from responsibility for their own health, and impacting the lives of the less generously proportioned, by allowing them to join the ranks of the disenfranchised.

During public hearings, supporters cited difficulty navigating seating at restaurants and theatres, getting turned away by landlords, and [blubber‑]butting up against weight limits on the city's bike sharing programme.

Nathalie Jimenez, Business producer (WTF?), BBC News

I guess it's gone unnoticed that many of these inconveniences might be in place for good reason. If a fatty now breaks a bike not built to withstand the weight of a performing elephant, the owner presumably has no recourse. And restaurants, already struggling financially post-pandemic, will have to remove tables to allow corpulent patrons free passage; although I guess at least they'll eat more than the skinnies.

The National Association for the Advancement of Fat Acceptance's advocacy director, Tegan Lecheler—who doesn't appear too corpulent from her headshot photo—unironically tried to equate pie- and cake-scoffing with genuine social equality issues outside of people's control.

"It's not a health issue. It's a civil rights issue," she said. "This is really about if people are safe and protected and have the right to be in spaces.

Nathalie Jimenez, Business producer (WTF?), BBC News

Even if their lardaciousness encroaches into other people's spaces, on airplanes etc. Shitbag, I'm glad this nonsense is unlikely to ever make its way to Switzerland. I just hope I never have to sit next to one—or, worse, between two—of these selfish phatphux on a flight!