The ramblings of a pseudointellectal…or a genuine idiot?

Looking a gift horse in the mouth

'Tis the season of glad tidings, and MegaCorpCH is in generous mood. My US colleagues have each received a $25 gift voucher, to dispose of as they wish.

The Swiss, I have been told—although experience tells me otherwise—consider vouchers to be crass. Instead, we are receiving gifts of Swiss chocolate and sweet biscuits. Very nice, if you're into that sort of thing. But I don't have a sweet tooth, and at least two of my colleagues are diabetic. So, this gift is pretty thoughtless, if not flat-out insensitive.

The rejoinder is to pass them on, or leave them out for guests. It's not much of a gift for the recipient, though, if that's all you can do with it.

I don't know who comes up with these ideas, but I just wish they wouldn't.