Bitches bitch'n'

Low-energy bubbles

I've mentioned YouTube channel TheQuartering before. It's one of the lowest-energy commentary channels on the platform, if not within the entire universe; including as yet undiscovered civilisations out there [points at stars].

Jeremy Hambly rambles on, unscripted and largely unfocussed—should that be Jeremy Rambly?—reading whatever-the-hell he's found on social media, or elsewhere on the web directly from his computer screen; stumbling when he has to substitute a YouTube wrongword, to circumvent the Minitrue's censor; and pausing to react in real time. I think he does this so he can churn out content in terms of quantity rather than quality. Not unlike this blog! The difference being that he's grifting for clicks, while I do this solely for my own amusement. Oh, and whereas he has 1.3M subscribers, no one reads the crap that I post here.

The strangest thing—more so than me clicking on his videos' thumbnails, knowing what I know—is that he requests viewers to subscribe to his channel, complaining that it gets overlooked by YouTube's algorithm. He doesn't substantiate his claim; yet, while I don't even have an account, let alone subscribe, his channel still bubbles to the surface on the landing page, or whatever it's called.

Old algor isn't as kind to us as Rambly seems to think. Looking on the bright side though, at least it doesn't throw up his other MidWest politics channel. (phew)