Bitches bitch'n'

Marianna unsprung

I just love love LOVE the feigned expression on her face! (LOL)
  • Director: Marianna, sweetie, can you give me a broken and dispirited?
  • [Marianna mongs for camera]
  • Director: Sweetie, I asked for broken and dispirited, not I really am so sorry to hear your hamster died.

I've mocked the often self-serving grift of the BBC's social media and disinformation correspondent, Marianna Spring, on several occasions. But Spiked's Tom Slater takes a deeper dive, and does a more thorough job of calling out her hubris in Marianna Spring: the BBC’s misinformation merchant.

It appears that Marianna isn't above using a little misinformative, or even disinformative, embellishment herself. And she's not alone in that regard among the communards at Most­Trusted­International­News­Broadcaster Towers, as they police online free speech according to their own defined standards. There's a word for that.

But any criticism, even helpfully pointing out errors in her reportage, and how they might be corrected, seems to constitute trolling or hate speech in her fragile mind. (snowflake) Such is the unimportance of veracity at the world's most trusted international news broadcaster™.

I asked her on "X" why the BBC was calling a "ddos attack" a "hack", I was even polite enough to explain the exact differences between the two. I genuinely just wanted to correct what they were saying..... She blocked me without discussion. I guess "hack" is a better, if incorrect, headline. She's bloody rude and clearly arrogant.

@notjustforhackers4252, commenting on Marianna Spring: the BBC’s misinformation merchant, Spiked

Blocked for trying to correct her disinformation, how ironic.

@PK-dt3xf, commenting on Marianna Spring: the BBC’s misinformation merchant, Spiked

BBC Verify has not been contacted for comment; at least not by me, anyway.