Will this madness never end?

No longer a threat

image showing news items on the BBC website, the death of Nelson Mandela from today, and his removal from the US terrorist list five years ago
Busy boy: Nelson Mandela dies, is mourned, and gets taken of a US terror watch list.

On the news of Nelson Mandela's death, a poignant juxtaposition of news stories appears on the BBC's website. It seems that he had to die to be removed from the US's list of terrorists. He didn't, of course, that story dates from 2008.

But it amused me.

Mandela, and other ANC party members, were on a US terror watch list after the South African apartheid regime declared the party to be a terrorist organisation in 1960. POTUS Bush signed a bill removing the ANC party members from that list in 2008. But, Mandela didn't really do himself any favours. He should've rescinded the dictat, when he became the country's first post-apartheid president, fourteen years earlier, in 1994. Innit? (pipe)